Friday, July 10, 2009

Miller Camp Out

The 4th of July weekend was packed full of fun! We decided to go on our first family campout with just me, Matt and the kids. We went to a camp ground down in Scipio, Ut. and it was beautiful. I had been down there a few weeks earlier to fish with my sister in-law and I knew I wanted to go back. The campground is set next to the red rock mountains and there is a stream and trees everywhere. We had a great time introducing Hallie to the art of roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, she decided that raw marshmallows were her favorite. We only stayed for one night, but by the end of the trip both kids were dirty from head to toe.


  1. How fun! That looks like a great place to camp. We might have to try it out. How was camping with David? I am afraid to take Ruby in fear it might be a miserable experience.

  2. Yah! Cindy I just found your blog. I'm so happy. I love love love your family pictures! I am really new to the blogging world...but I can't wait to keep up with your family.

  3. For some reason, every time I comment, it does not show up! So annoying. Looks like you had fun. We will see you in less than 2 weeks now.
